25 Mar 2009


While googling on 18th century pocket books, I struck a vein of gold right on the first page of search results.

Interweave Press offers diagrams and instructions for a folding pocket book with optional Irish stitching for the exterior.

I don't know when I'll find the time to make on of these, but I hope it'll be soon because I really need something neat to carry around all my monies, mobile phone, ID (and all those other things an 18th century lady couldn't leave the house without) in.

And some inspirational images on extant 18th century pocketbooks:Your's for $1,900 on Vintage Textile!

Another beautiful example from Vintage Textile

From Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


  1. They look pretty awesome! :)

  2. Hi,

    Can you tell me about the pocket book that appears
    right below the line:"And some inspirational images on extant 18th century pocketbooks"?

    Is it a museum piece? or a sales or aution house?

    Thank you for any information you can provide.

