21 May 2011

It's Caturday!

Last week, the Dreamstress made a very apt observation:

"How come 18th century artists painted such cute dogs and such munted looking cats?"

Say what?


  1. That's not a cat, it's an alien!!!!!

  2. That cat is a little creepy i must say...

  3. Har du sett bilden av damen, iklädd Svenska nationella allmänna dräkten, som håller i en kisse? Den finns i Eva Bergmans bok om Nationella dräkten, tyvärr minns jag inte om den katten var söt eller ej.

    Men hon här: http://www.oilpainting-frame.com/picture/image-43254.htm håller i alla fall en ganska gullig (groda) katt.

  4. Hah! That may be the creepiest 18th century cat ever! You know what would totally make me die of happiness? If they did a Dr Who episode where he visited the 18th century and all the cats turned out to be aliens. It would totally explain this image.

    Question: What would the cat aliens in 18th century portraits have wanted on earth?
