4 Jan 2010

...then disaster struck..!

The black 1780's museum taffeta gown I was going to finish and wear to the 12th night ball? Yeah that one!

The answer is: no. A definite no.

And believe it or not, it wasn't the tight time schedule that stopped me but merely the tiny little detail that the bodice wouldn't fit! As in too tight, WAY to tight, as in not wearable (OK, if I squeezed I could technically wear it, but it didn't look good and the seams would have gone to smithereens sooner or later).

How I manage these things, I do not know. But at least I reacted very stoically when I found out about the disaster; I only sighed and said to myself: "Oh well, crap then!" (it's true!)

The gown is still salvageable, thanks goodness, but I have to change the front of the bodice into either some kind of a stomacher closure or a zone-type bodice (which of course will make it very different from the original museum piece, but c'est la vie, merde) but that would put me seriously behind schedule and, to be frank, my enthusiasm about this project just went about 1,000,000 below zero. So this gown is currently sitting on the "To be finished in the future, some time" shelf and I don't feel too sorry about it.

However, now I'm not sure what I'm going to wear to the ball but at least I have things to wear and it's not a sin if you don't have something completely new for every event, even if I seem to believe that. I'm going to enjoy myself anyway, that's all I know for sure! Basta!

I hope you all had a splendid new year's eve (I had) and that the year brings you better costuming luck than it brought me!


  1. That is SO annoying! I'm glad it can be salavaged, though.

    Do you kn ow why the forum is still down, brw? I miss it!

  2. Arrrgh, I hate it when that happens. I look forward to seeing it finished. Yes, when will the forum be up?

  3. Nej, vad synd! Jag hade gärna velat se det där projektet...

  4. Hey ladies!

    I've switched hosts AGAIN and have been talking to support today so I really hope things will be up and running in the next few days (I miss it too, so much! I always keep thinking of things I want to ask about and post!)

  5. Boo :-(

    I'm sure it will still be gorgeous as a zone front gown, or with a stomacher. Of course if it is too tight for you, it would probably fit me, so perhaps I should try to convince you that you really want to see the exact gown, just on another person ;->

    Ooooh, I am naughty!

  6. Also, would you put up a link to the forum again? I can't find it :-(

  7. Sorry, the forum is still DOWN :( At least I'm getting proper support now, although it's going slowly, so I excpect to have the forum running again within the end of the week. Until something else goes wrong, of course :P

    You know, it probably wouldn't be too hard convincing me to send the gown to you right now (Internatinal express mail!); that's how tired I am looking at it :P

  8. How very annoying! I hope you get GOOD support now!

    See you tomorrow!

  9. I totally hate that when it happens. You are moving along and everything is going together and then you try the damn thing on and OMG it doesn't fit or why in the world did I make this way? Anyway,you will figure out what to do with it at some point - perhaps a friend in need might fit it as is and buy it off ya? Happy New year and here is a toast to the UFO's in our closets!! Angela
